Aromaland - Sage Dalmatian Essential Oil 10ml. (1/3oz.)

Aromaland Sage Dalmation Essential Oil

$10.66 - $35.36

Aroma:  Sharply herbaceous, warm, dry, and spicy 

Latin Name:  Salvia officinalis

Country of Origin:  Dalmatian Islands (Dalmation sage is considered the superior sage variety)

Cultivation Method:  Conventionally grown

Extraction Method:  Steam distilled

Extracted From:  Blossoms and leaves

Color:  Clear / pale yellow

Perfumery Note:  Top

Consistency:  Thin liquid

Aromatherapy Properties:  Awakening and deodorizing

Suggested Use:  This strong scent encourages alertness, helps deodorize bad smells, and clears away negative energy.  It may also help open breathing.  Use with moderation due to very strong chemical constituents.  Dilute to at least 0.4%, which equals about 2 single drops of essentia oil per ounce of carrier oil. 

History:  Sage has a long history as a culinary and medicinal plant.  To this day, the dried leaves are used in smudging rituals to ward of evil spirits.

Specific Safety Information:  Not for internal use.  Dilute heavily with topical use.  Avoid with pregnant or breastfeeding women, young children, pets, epilepsy, asthma, and certain other medical conditions.  Ask your doctor if you have any questions before use.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure a disease.