Aromaland - Palmarosa Essential Oil 10ml. (1/3oz.)

Aromaland Palmarosa Essential Oil

$10.25 - $34.40

Aroma:  Curiously rosy: floral, soft, sweet, and slightly green

Latin Name:  Cymbopogon martinii

Country of Origin:  Nepal

Cultivation Method:  Harvested from wild growing plants

Extraction Method:  Steam distilled

Extracted From:  Leaves

Color:  Yellow tone

Perfumery Note:  Middle / Top

Consistency:  Liquid

Aromatherapy Properties:  Comforting, eases stress, and uplifts mood

Suggested Use:  The aroma of palmarosa can ease the stress.  Try blending it with other mood boosting scents like bergamot, grapefruit, basil, lemon, or rosemary.  

Palmarosa is beneficial topically for its skin-balancing and revitalizing effect.  Dilute to 2% in a carrier oil, which equals about 10 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil like jojoba or fractionated coconut.  Dilute more with sensitive skin.

History:  Because of its similarity to rose geranium, this oil is also called "Indian geranium" and has been frequently used to adulterate the very expensive rose oil.

Specific Safety Information: Not for internal use.  Dilute properly with topical use.  Some essential oils may be contraindicated with certain medical conditions.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure a disease.