Aromaland - Turmeric Essential Oil 10ml. (1/3oz.)

Aromaland Turmeric Essential Oil

$7.26 - $19.60

Aroma:  Spicy, warm, and sharp - smells like the turmeric dry spice

Latin Name:  Curcuma longa

Country of Origin:  India

Cultivation Method:  Harvested from wild growing plants

Extraction Method:  Steam distilled

Extracted From:  Roots

Color:  Yellow to slightly green

Perfumery Note:  Base

Consistency:  Liquid

Aromatherapy Properties:  Exotic, spicy, and warming

Suggested Use:  Aromatically, this essential oil can add warmth and spice to a blend.  Topically, it warms aching joints and muscles, and may help with skin blemishes or indigestion.  Dilute to 2% with topical use, which equals about 10 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil.

History:  Well known as a domestic spice worldwide, turmeric is one of the spices used in curry, and makes the sauce a bright yellow or orange color.

Specific Safety Information:  Not for internal use.  Dilute properly with topical use.  Certain essential oils can be contraindicated with certain medical conditions.  Ask your doctor if you have any questions before use.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure a disease.