Aromaland - Balsam Peru Essential Oil 10ml. (1/3oz.)

Aromaland Peru Balsam Essential Oil

$14.88 - $56.43

Aroma:  Rich, vanilla-like, balsamic, and slightly spicy

Latin Name:  Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae

Country of Origin:  El Salvador

Cultivation Method:  Harvested from wild growing plants

Extraction Method:  Steam distilled

Extracted From:  Crude balsam

Color:  Pale amber / brown

Perfumery Note:  Base

Consistency:  Viscous liquid

Aromatherapy Properties:  Warming, comforting, and long-lasting

Suggested Use:  This delightful scent works well in an essential oil blend as a warm fixative base note.  It will help a scent last longer.  

Topically, this botanical is considered useful for dry or damaged skin.  Dilute the essential oil very heavily with topical use.  Dilute to 0.3%, which equals 1-2 single drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil like avocado or coconut oil.  Dilute more heavily with sensitive skin.

History:  Extractions from this Central / South American evergreen tree have been used as a local folk remedy for coughs.  It has also been used to flavor alcohol and soft drinks.

Specific Safety Information:  Not for internal use.  Dilute heavily with topical use.  Avoid using this oil with pregnant or breastfeeding women, children, and certain medical conditions.  Ask your doctor if you have any questions before use.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure a disease.