Aromaland - Cypress Blue Essential Oil 10ml. (1/3oz.)

Cypress Blue Essential Oil


Aroma:  Woodsy, sweet, balsamic and evergreen.

Latin Name:  Calistris initratropica

Country of Origin:  Australia

Cultivation Method:  Harvested from wild growing plants

Extraction Method:  Steam distilled

Extracted From:  Wood

Color:  Brilliant blue

Perfumery Note:  Middle

Consistency:  Very viscous liquid

Aromatherapy Properties:  The aroma can be used for soothing emotions and opening breathe.  

Suggested Use:  Topically, blue cypress can be diluted and used in a skin cleanser recipe.  

History:  The Australian Aborigines knew of the wonderful skin moisturizing benefits of blue cypress for thousands of years. They would use it to protect their skin from the harsh desert climate. This oil is sometimes called ABC oil – Australian Blue Cypress.

Specific Safety Information:  Not for internal use.  Dilute with topical use.  Avoid using during pregnancy, nursing, with young children, pets, and certain medical conditions.  Ask your Doctor if you have any questions before use.  

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure a disease.